Volume LXXVIII - 2013, Issue 3
Jarosław Nikodem
The Union of Horodlo: an effective compromise or the embers of future conflicts?, s. 7 [DOI: ]
Rimvydas Petrauskas
Late medieval Europe and the development of the society and culture of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, s. 39 [DOI: ]
Reviews and Methodology of Research
Grzegorz Błaszczyk (ORCID: 0000-0003-4471-1114)
The Union of Horodlo in contemporary Lithuanian historiography, s. 59 [DOI: ]
Sources, Materials, Miscellanea
Julia Możdżeń (ORCID: 0000-0003-4932-5546)
Notes from trade books as testimonies of the lives of Gdańsk’s stall holders at the turn of the 15th and 16th centuries, s. 67 [DOI: ]
Mariusz Balcerek
Poles in the army of Charles IX in the battle of Kircholm on 27 September 1605, s. 93 [DOI: ]
Dominika Czarnecka
The attempt to blow up the Monument of Gratitude to the Red Army in Gdańsk in 1949 (in the light of the files of the Military District Court in Gdańsk), s. 105 [DOI: ]
Magda Gawinecka-Woźniak
The situation in Poland in the years 1949–1956 in accounts of Danish diplomats, s. 129 [DOI: ]
Janusz Małłek (ORCID: 0000-0002-9134-0136)
Witold Szczuczko (1947–2012), s. 153 [DOI: ]
Monika Wyszomirska
The bibliography of Witold Szczuczko’s publications, s. 163 [DOI: ]
Discussion and Polemics
Kazimierz Maliszewski
The most recent collective work on the history of the Danzig Academic Gymnasium in the Rzeczpospolita in the period prior to the partitions, s. 175 [DOI: ]
Tomasz Łaszkiewicz
On the necessity and principles regarding the edition of 20th century source documents: remarks in the margin of Maria Donimirska’s memoirs “God gave us a time of trial”, s. 187 [DOI: ]
Book Reviews and Comments
Tomasz Ambroziak
Кніга магістрата места Полацка 1727 г. Księga magistratu miasta Połocka 1727 r., падрыхт. да публ. Андрей Н. Латушкін, Максім Дз. Макараў, Беларускае гістарычнае таварыства (Беласток), s. 198 [DOI: ]
Miłosz Stępiński
Olympia. Deutschland-Großbritanien. Beiträge zu den Olympischen Spielen 2012 in London, hrsg. v. Karl Lennartz, Stephan Wassong, Jürgen Buschmann, unter der Mitarbeit von Jörg Krieger, s. 199 [DOI: ]
Przemysław Olstowski (ORCID: 0000-0002-1379-4407)
Janusz Kutta, Historia Izby Adwokackiej w Bydgoszczy 1945–2010, s. 206 [DOI: ]
Anna Mikołajewska
Konferencja poświęcona polsko-litewskiej Rzeczypospolitej w oczach podróżników z Francji i Niemiec, s. 209 [DOI: ]
Indexing and Citations